The following is a question and answer editorial done in Metal Forming Magazine by Joe Jancsurak with PFA’s VP Mark Scanlan. We’re excited to share this information with our readers.
“Hacer transiciones rápidas y eficientes desde el troquelado de la última parte de un lote hasta la aprobación de la primera parte del siguiente lote continúa adquiriendo un creciente nivel de importancia, ya que los productores se esfuerzan por exprimir cada gota de productividad de sus equipos.” Aquí, Klimowicz comparte sus perspectivas sobre las estrategias […]
Few lean manufacturing methods increase press uptime, lower per-part costs, and provide an immediate return on investment (ROI) as readily as quick die change (QDC) does. Although the merits of QDC likely are well understood within the stamping field, tailoring a program to a company’s current equipment and operational requirements can be challenging. Generally, implementing […]