Mechanical Clamps

Mechanical 1/4 Turn Quick Set Clamps

Mechanical Quick Set Clamps


When to Use 1/4 Turn Quick Set Clamps:

Use mechanical quick set clamps with dies having slotted die plates and enough over slot clearance for the set clamp body.  U-Slot brackets or ears may also be added to the dies or a heel block added to the back of the clamp for some applications.

How they work:

To use, move clamp into position and manually hand tighten nut using the large diameter knurled surface.  Use a wrench to torque to the desired preload.  The large bronze alloy nut acts as an easy turning, anti-galling, large surface thrust bearing arrangement for superior performance.

Model 255 clamps require approximately 125 ft.-lbs. of torque to preload the clamp to 10,000 lbs. clamping force.  Model 259 clamps require approximately 350 ft.-lbs. to preload clamp to 20,000 lbs. clamping force (unlubricated threads).  Clamp preload should be limited to 20,000 lbs. and 40,000 lbs. respectively.

Options and features:

ARA vs. FRA.  Free Rotation (FRA) clamps use standard threaded bolts, while Anti-Rotation (ARA) models use modified threads to prevent the clamping plate from spinning about the bolt.

STN or TSB. Stud with attached T-Nut (STN) is standard for a wide range of clamping heights. Forged T-Slot Bolts are also in use for some sizes.

HB Option.  In cases where customers desire to use the clamp in applications without slotted die plates, a heel block may be added to the clamp to support the back of the clamp.  (Clamping force is 50% of rating.)  For this option specify HBX.XX at the end of the part number.  (X.XX = clamping plate height in inches.)

Nut Retention Option. In cases where customer desires to prevent the nut from coming off the bolt. A stop mechanism is added to the top of the bolt. Use STL in place of STN (or TSL in place of TSB) in the part number for this option.


Standard Configurations

Model 255 clamps are designed for 3/4” T-Slots and Model 259 for 1” T-Slots. The part number references the “bolt length”, which is not the clamping height, but rather the complete length of the bolt. The charts show nominal clamping height for standard T-Slots. The bolt length can be selected for the part number below.

Model 255
TSB Nominal Clamp Height**
Clamp Range B*
(Standard 3/4” Slot)
Min.     Max.
Min.     Max.
0 – 1 0” 1.125” .75” 2.0” 2.0” 2.5” 4.0”
1 – 2 .875” 2.125” 1.75” 3.0” 2.5” 5.0”
2 – 3 1.875” 3.125” 2.75” 4.0” 2.5” 6.0”
2½ – 4 2.375” 4.125” 3.25” 5.0” 3.0” 7.0”
3 – 5 2.875” 5.125” 3.75” 6.0” 3.5” 8.0”
3½ – 6 3.375” 6.125” 4.25” 7.0” 4.0” 9.0”
Model 259
TSB Nominal Clamp Height**
Clamp Range B*
(Standard 1” Slot)
Min.     Max.
Min.     Max.
0 – ½ 0” .6” .75” 1.6” 2.4” 2.5” 4.0”
¾ – 1½ .75” 1.6” 1.75” 2.6” 2.5” 5.0”
1¾ – 2½ 1.75” 2.6” 2.75” 3.6” 2.5” 6.0”
2¼ – 3½ 2.25” 3.6” 3.25” 4.6” 3.0” 7.0”
2¾ – 4½ 2.75” 4.6” 3.75” 5.6” 3.5” 8.0”
3¼ – 5½ 3.25” 5.6” 4.25” 6.6” 4.0” 9.0”

* T-Slot neck height (dimension A) is assumed to be .875” for 3/4” slots and 1” for 1” slot.
**STL/TSL Stype with retaining ring incure a ¼” reduction in maximum clamp height.
Suffix (– TSB) may replace ( – STN) if TSB is available and substituted. STN has no minimum on clamping height range as it has threads to the T-Nut. Maximum clamping height is calcuatied as follows:
Model 255 BMAX = E – 3.25
Model 259 BMAX = E – 4.00
*** TSB and TSL are available in some sizes and may be substituted for STN/TSL styles depending on available stock.

Quick Die Change QDC Quick Set turn Clamp Lightning fast Time Saver when installing dies

Clamps are provided with T-Slot Bolt “TSB” (Item A) or Fully Threaded Stud and T-Nut “STN” (Item B) depending on clamp size, clamping height, and availability. The new standard will become all Stud and T-Nut arrangements over time.

Quick Die Change QDC Quick Set turn Clamp Lightning fast Time Saver when installing dies - part number specification

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Con una solución comprobada de "lean manufacturing" de PFA, tu aplicación siempre funciona. El uso de un sistema de acción lateral KOR-LOK® resultará en un tiempo de diseño y fabricación más corto y reducirá los tiempos de desarrollo. Los clamps de cambio rápido de troquel (QDC) están en stock y listos para enviar, por lo que puede comenzar a ahorrar tiempo y dinero con SMED hoy mismo. Desde piezas de repuesto hasta soluciones complejas, PFA es la respuesta para una producción más rápida y con mayor utilidad.